showing 26 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Life of Black Tiger 1Games2017 animalprotagonist felidprotagonist psstore rating-esrb-m labelimageminimize
Basement Crawl Bloober Team2014 psstore rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 Enter the basement, explore dark, sinister arenas and be at one with the insanity. Bomberman inspired mechanics bring party games to the next generation level. Staying alive won't be easy. The only way to survive is to become death itself, crushing all opponents. Fight with, or against your friends in a intensive, packed with action online and offline game modes. And remember, because of the horror-based graphics and themes, it's best if you don't play this game alone in the dark. You never know what might be hiding behind you.

-Dynamic action game that can be played even by four players on one PlayStation4 system at the same time.
-Up to 8 players online on the battleground.
-Dozens of traps and skills make lots of different ways to slaughter your opponents
-Pick from four characters, take advantage of their skills and play it in your own style
-Video output in Full HD 1080p requires 1080p native display.***
Risk of Rain Chucklefish (Hopoo Games;Code Mystics)2016 abilitycooldown adv-objects adv-static aimdirlimit blankprotagonist blindacquisitions bossbattles bossmeter chargedattack charging classbased colossi consistentdamage criticalchance crowdfunded damageinfo damageovertime demo difficulty-time dodging encounters-popup endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay extraterrestrial falldamage firearms flatterrain flyingjellyfish gamemaker giantcrustaceans gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantworms healthdrops healthpickups healthregen humblestore humblewidget indie invincibilityframes isolatedlocale itempickup-attract itempickup-auto jumping jumppads knockback ladders leveluprestoration limitlessenergy mapgenerator midairjumping monsters mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mycoids openal overheal overpenetration paidkilling passivebonanza permadeath persistentprogression pixeldoubling playerstats powerups prematurechallenge psstore randommaps sauroids score sdl shopping skeletonkey stranded stunning teleport tooltips toxins undefinedelements unknownpast unlimitedammo unlockable-characters unlockable-classes unlockable-items upgradesystem vorbis walking waterfalls xp-drops xp-kills xp-objects labelminimizeminimize
AeternoBlade  Corecell Technology2015 metroidvania psstore labelimageminimize
Thomas Was Alone Curve Studios;Limited Run Games (author)2014 abstract autozoom charactercarrying controlswitch cooperation deadlywater environmentalpuzzle narrator psstore retrypoints simplistic sizematters Physical release by Limited Run Games on 30th September 2016 (4000 units produced). labelminimizeminimize
Dream C Club: Host Girl on Stage D3 Publisher2014 free2play psstore rating-cero-d labelminimizeminimize
Never Alone: Kisima Ingitchuna  E-Line Media (E-Line Media;Upper One Games)2014 arctic cave childprotagonist cooperation digitizedvideo earth edu-culture environmentalpuzzle eskimos femaleprotagonist instantdeath langbrazil-port mp-cooperative narrator physics psstore puzzleplatformer rating-pegi-12 spectres speech-inuit ursines uvl-techlimitation weefolk wilderness wintery Built in partnership with the Alaska Native community, Never Alone is an atmospheric puzzle platformer that explores the harsh and vibrant world of Alaska Native stories. Delve deeply into the traditional lore of the Iñupiat people of the Arctic for a game experience like no other.***
Rainbow Skies eastasiasoft (SideQuest Studios)2018 automap bluray capacity-type circadiancycle classbased classbasedeq containers difficulty download fishing grid grid-square group healingitems lamp limitedcapacity locationinfo lottery magic naming-companions objectiveindicator optionaltasks parallelworld psstore rainbowmoon-series roadsigns saves-crossplatform shopping statuseffects tacticalrpg taming teleporters timetravel Rainbow Skies is a fantasy RPG with turn-based battles and a humorous story. Immerse yourself in a colorful and vibrant world, filled to the brim with friends and foes, murky dungeons, turn-based battles, towns, shops, and everything else your role-playing heart desires.***
Rainbow Moon EastAsiaSoft;Limited Run Games (SideQuest Studios)2016 adv-xpdistr circadiancycle classbased classbasedeq containers difficulty fromanotherworld grid grid-square group healingitems hunger lamp limitedcapacity lottery psstore rainbowmoon-series saves-crossplatform shopping statuseffects tacticalrpg teleporters Physical release by Limited Run Games on 19th August 2016 (3000 units produced). labelimageminimize
Cel Damage HD Finish Line Games2014 psstore rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-7 PART DEMOLITION DERBY, PART WHACKED-OUT CARTOON COME TO LIFE.
36 wild, over-the-top weapons
10 tough 'toons
Deathmatch, capture-the-flag and gate racing action
4-person split-screen multiplayer
12 interactive cartoon worlds***
Dogurai Hungry Bear;QuByte Interactive;Red Art Games (Hungry Bear)2020 anthroprotagonist bluray bossbattles dogs download earth indie indoors keyboard landvehicle limitedpalette midairjumping motorcycles outdoors pixelated psstore rating-pegi-3 retro robots samurai sewers wasteland wheeledvehicle labelimageminimize
Don't Starve: Console Edition  Klei Entertainment2014 handdrawngraphics hypothermia pooritemgrip psstore rating-cero-b rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-7 labelimageminimize
LASTFIGHT Piranaking2016 3ormoreplayers comic download europeancomic indie langchinesesimpl mp-cooperative psstore labelminimizeminimize
Mutant Mudds Deluxe Renegade Kid;Limited Run Games (Renegade Kid)2013 psstore labelminimizeminimize
Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge Renegade Kid;Limited Run Games (Renegade Kid)2017 psstore labelimageminimize
Awesomenauts Assemble! Ronimo Games (Abstraction Games)2014 moba psstore rating-acb-pg rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 Awesomenauts Assemble! is an online arena game that has two teams of 3 players facing off in battle. The game plays as a classic 2D platformer, but contains all the modern trappings of the genre. Such as a diverse cast of classes, an extensive upgrade system and powerful turrets and creeps.***
Steam Tactics Sometimes You;Red Art Games (Sometimes You)2020 anthropomorphicanimals anthroprotagonist anuroids bluray caninoids download felinoids grid grid-square psstore rating-pegi-7 shopping tactical labelimageminimize
Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition  Sony Computer Entertainment (Housemarque)2014 psstore rating-acb-ma15 rating-cero-z rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 Groan your way through the zombie apocalypse as hit arcade shooter Dead Nation shuffles onto PS4. Fight for your life alone or with a friend as Jack McReady or Scarlett Blake as you step onto the streets of a city overrunwith undead flesh-eaters. And, if you're feeling really brave, take a walk down the Road of Devastation – a deadly experiment that pushes your survival skills to the absolute limit as you face hordes of zombies with no extra lives and no second chances. []***
Doki-Doki Universe Sony Computer Entertainment (Sony Computer Entertainment America)2013 psstore rating-acb-g rating-cero-a rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-7 Doki-Doki Universe is a charming interactive game that takes you on a journey to explore humanity and personal discovery.***
Fat Princess Adventures  Sony Computer Entertainment (Fun Bits)2015 fatprincess-series medieval psstore rating-cero-c rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 This new co-op adventure serves up the cheeky light-hearted humor that made the PlayStation 3 game what it was. Up to 4 friends can team up for a not-so-epic adventure to slay monsters, steal loot, rescue the princesses, gobble cake, and defeat the evil Bitter Queen. Your band of comrades will stab, smash, grab and grub your way through the land of Great Bitten with all the mischief that you would expect from a Fat Princess RPG.***
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics  Spike Chunsoft;Limited Run Games (Spike Chunsoft)2015 mysteriousdungeon psstore Physical release by Limited Run Games on 30th September 2016 (5000 units produced). labelimageminimize
Lara Croft Go Square Enix (Square Enix Montreal)2016 archeologistprotagonist femaleprotagonist psstore tombraider Lara Croft GO is a turn based puzzle-adventure set in a long-forgotten world. Explore the ruins of an ancient civilization, discover well-kept secrets and face deadly challenges as you uncover the myth of the Queen of Venom. labelimagesubject
Lone Survivor - The Director's Cut Superflat Games;Limited Run Games (Superflat Games)2014 adobeair biogrowth bleak dark-limited decoys defenseless download indie inventory monsters nodrm present psstore surreal surrealhorror survivalhorror Physical release by Limited Run Games on 30th December 2016 (3600 units produced). labelimageminimize
Backgammon Blitz The Fyzz Facility (VooFoo Studios)2013 backgammon psstore traditional labelimageminimize
The Crew Ubisoft (Ivory Tower)2014 psstore labelminimizeminimize
Blacklight: Retribution Zombie Studios2013 firstpersonshooter mp-pregamecommitment psstore rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 Blacklight: Retribution is a fast paced, adrenaline pumping first person shooter based in a futuristic urban warzone. Building upon Zombie Studios' predecessor, Tango Down, Blacklight: Retribution provides FPS enthusiasts with a massive arsenal of weaponry and gear ranging from bleeding edge side arms to massive mechanized Hardsuits. Customize your weapons and gear for the perfect load out, earn credits in game to change the tide of battle by deploying flame throwers, automatic grenade launchers and even airstrikes.***